4 years of posting daily's , Bliss Daily 3 has become a reality!!!
October 4 2018...
4 YEARS have past since I took my own advice and started looking for the good in my everyday life. 4 YEARS....So much has happened in the last 4 years, some amazing moments , some difficult times and through it all, I posted.. Every night, I sat quietly and scrolled my pictures and posted 3 things that made my heart happy for that day.
I want to start this blog post with a big thank you for those of you who have followed along in this journey of mine for the last 4 years. I had no idea what or whom would care to see what I posted. In truth, my posts were purely selfish, posting for my own mind set to refocus on the good in my day.
Why OCT 4? well with 100% disclosure, I was posting on my personal page a bit earlier, but I began posting on my BLISS with Mac Health Coaching site OCT 4 2014. I wasn't sure if posting personal photos on my business page was a great idea. I took the leap and decided that the only way people will learn about who I am.
So some of you might be wondering how this all began..
I would like to take you back to the beginning and give you an insight as to the WHO and the WHY....
For those of you new to this page, or new to the idea of Daily 3's, here is a quick overview of who I am and most importantly how the pieces of my life's journey are fitting into place... My name is Macara Brachmann, I was widowed at 41. This is not something I like to dwell on but state more for being the turning point in my life.
You see, when Scott died, a shift happened... when people asked me how I was doing I gave them 3 blanket answers... 1)thankful the bad guys didn't kill him(being in the Seal Teams for 21 years it was always one of my realities) my boys do not have subconscious feelings of retaliation 2) there was no question about if he had suffered (the coroner said he was dead before he hit the floor with this heart attack) and lastly 3) I didn't have to think about bringing his body back from over seas, since he had just returned from Africa 4 days earlier...These were my go-to responses.... 3 things.... why? I have no idea....
Something shifted my thinking. Why? I have no idea and in all honesty realize that this shift is a gift that was given to me. FAST FORWARD... SR and I began a long distance relationship while I was living in MN and him in CA. We decided it was time to live under one roof, so the big move happened in 2013, returning back to CA and into SR's home. We were blending 2 families into 1 (which is no small feat with the kids all having experienced a loss of a parent). We always knew that his home was not going to be our second chapter home together.We both wanted a fresh start, so house hunting began. Here's where the whirlwind started... SR's house went on the market and sold in 4 days with all cash offer+ 20 DAY ESCROW!!!!!
yup, SHIT HIT the FAN...
Life went into complete get'er done mode. You know what I mean, the panic of oh shit, 20 days to pack and find a house....
To make a long story short, we didn't find a house in 20 days. We moved into an original bungalow in the opposite direction from where we wanted to live with an insane commute.Mentally, I am a firm believer that you can do anything you set your mind to, it was the transitional chapter, I kept telling myself... I can do anything for 3 months....
After we moved in and the dust settled. I was staring at what I was calling home. Dark paneling, 1200 square feet of cozy for this family of 5 with 2 Labradors. I had to pull up my big girl panties and say to myself that I can make anyplace feel like home, and went to work.
What can you do to make the biggest difference I thought? PAINT...I had watched enough HGTV to know that painting the dark paneling was the easiest fix. A fresh coat of white paint made a significant difference, it began to feel like a quaint cottage vs craptastic Reseda reno....
3 MONTHS TURNED INTO 7 .. I would sit in the house and feel overwhelmed at all that transpired for us to be living there. It was pretty craptastic, I'm not gonna lie. If I told you the entire story your head would be shaking, like you gotta be kidding me....I kept telling myself, it was happening for a reason, it would all make sense at some point.... I decided that the way I was going to change my mindset was to take 3 pictures a day of appreciation. no fancy lighting and cameras, just my phone camera + 3 things that made me smile. 3 things that might not make a difference to anyone else on the planet, but for me on that day, it did.That day was OCT 4,2014 my #Daily3 was born.... I began training my brain to look for the silver lining of each day.

Here was the first official post.. It was nothing exciting, morning coffee with coconut oil, dinner and enjoying some quality time with Mitchell while the little's were at practice. This was my transitional life that I was embracing...finding moments that made me smile. I made the commitment to myself to post everyday..... What happened next was such a complete surprise. I started receiving emails from people who had found my page and were thanking me... I thought to myself... why? I started these posts purely as a method to shift my thinking going through a sucky situation and somehow someway, it is touching others.... Interesting how life works....
After a complete renovation, we moved into our current home The RNB (Rogers n Brachmann) in March of 2015. I decided to continue to post since truth be told, it helps me stay focused on the good in my day to day life. Raising teenage boys, any children for that matter, can be challenging.... this keeps me focused on the good in each day. The re-wiring was a success!
So although I was faced with living in that original cozy bungalow in Reseda Ca,with a 3 hour commute each day... something wonderful resulted....I never once thought that my daily 3's would make a difference in other people's lives.
I believe in the world of social media, my posts are different. I keep my daily 3 posts genuine to who I am and why it began. I would be lying if I said it was easy to find 3 things everyday... some days its tough..but all the more reason to find the positive and post. I am embracing this journey I have been given and continue to look for the silver lining each day. Today I am happy to say that after 4 years MY BLISS DAILY 3 APP IS FREE FOR EVERYONE!!! Let's be honest, we are living in a world full of high emotions, high stress and increasing anxiety. It is easy to get wrapped up and saturated with all the negative surrounding us... I created the FREE BLISS Daily 3 app for BOTH IOS and Android users. It is my vision and dream that people will begin to recognize and post positive real life moments. Not the "picture perfect" social media blah blah blah posts ;)... The BLISS Daily 3 App allows everyone the opportunity to shift their thinking to look for the positive each and every day. instead of getting wrapped up in the negative, that is so easy to do. In creating the BLISS daily 3 app, I wanted it to be FREE for both IOS and Android. This was important to me for the first phase. I am a believer that we are brought here with a gifts, we are here to find those gift and in turn give back....I feel like my Daily 3's were a gift to me so many years ago... I am now giving to you.... In the first phase FREE means there is no back end.. this means there is no way to see you using unless you post using the hashtag #blissdaily3. You can also follow #blissdaily3 In future phase rollouts, this FREE option will always be there. I have great things planned for BLISS daily 3 app...I look forward to sharing more when the time comes ... Coming up next, I am looking forward to the November Gratitude Challenge ;) Keep a lookout for the information coming out soon... I do laugh at times. I get posts from many different people trying to solicit me. Here is what I will tell you, I am in private practice as a Certified Health Coach. I only take as many clients as I can balance with my own life. I received my training through IIN, I am AADP certified, I have my 200-RYT(I haven't taught classes since my mom passed) and am a contributor to Mindbodygreen.... BLISS with Mac, Balanced Living In Small Steps is my practice. I don't sell any specific products or product line, I am not getting paid for any endorsements, if I post a product, it is because I believe and have used them .. I teach my clients how to find balance in their lives...teaching them about shifting their thinking...finding their own sweet spot...finding what works best for them.... we are all different...BUT.... there is one central idea that is universal....
Water,Vegetables and exercise are good for you
Phew! So as I close this blog, I wanted to again say thank you. This life has been quite a journey in all honesty.At 48, I am thankful where I am standing today. My heart is humbled by the response of others. I am happy to know that my nightly posts have turned into something that others look forward to seeing. I am thankful that my dreams have become a reality bringing the BLISS daily 3 app to others to begin to share their own journey's. I am thankful for the people who have reached out and lives I have touched. I hope you begin to see the silver lining in your days as I have done with mine. Time and time again, I am amazed how everything truly happens for a reason... Thank you cozy bungalow in Reseda... Wishing you all the best with Peace, Love, Blessings and Gratitude,